El Community Linkage clou dos anys de vincle entre dones migrades i serveis especialitzats d’atenció a les violències masclistes

Community Linkage project concludes two years linking between migrant women and specialized services for attention to gender-based violence
The empowerment of migrant women and the improvements to the care services for male violence have been, for two years, the focus of the European Community Linkage project. The Sala d’actes de Rosa Sensat (Barcelona) hosted the final event on June 13 with around fifty participants.
Members of the project’s partners were invited to the round table, who shared their experiences of implementing the project in each country: Amy Fall and Paola Escobar (from CESIE, Italy); Natalia Kolesnikova (from Diotima Centre, Greece); Najwa and Itaf (from ZRS Koop, Slovenia) and Mina Bahatta and Rachel Alfonso (from Fundació Surt, Catalonia).
From Surt, from 2022 to 2024, the project has involved a group of migrant women in the creation of a space for support and training in the face of male violence, in order to give them their own agency. The key point is that after doing some training in legal terms and on human rights, they have gone through a process of identification and empowerment that has culminated in being agents of transformation. They have proposed improvements to the specialized women’s care services in Badalona.
The protagonists of the Badalona group have participated in a video summarizing their experience.
More about Community Linkage
Establishing an “effective connection” between services for attention to gender-based violence and communities of migrant women is the aim of Community Linkage, a European project coordinated by Surt with the aim of promoting the identification of situations of violence and the improvement of both prevention and support for women. The challenge has been to facilitate mutual learning between specialist care services for gender-based violence and migrant women’s networks. Community Linkage is an initiative financed by the European Fund and in which 4 entities and research centers from Italy, Greece, Slovenia and Catalonia participate.