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The European project TransVisible creates a Guide to promote the labour inclusion of trans women

The European project TransVisible creates a Guide to promote the labour inclusion of trans women

The European project TransVisibles, coordinated by Surt, has developed a guide aimed at professionals, public administrations and companies in order to promote the employment of trans women, a group that faces several obstacles when accessing the labour market, especially those who are visibly trans and those working in sex work.

The stigmatization and lack of awareness of the reality and needs of trans women among companies; the reluctance to hire them especially in positions that involve giving visibility to a non-normative image; the exclusion arising out of the difficulties in accessing regulated training and other services; the difficulties in keeping the same job after the gender transition, as well as the difficulties in taking advantage of the professional and educational background prior to the transition, are some of the elements that make up the barrier that many trans women face in the labour market.

“The process of empowerment and the development of skills is not in itself sufficient to guarantee the access and permanence of trans women in the labour market, but it is essential to raise the awareness of companies, which often have great ignorance about the reality of trans people and this ignorance can generate reluctance to include them in the staff”, explains Alba Elvira, a researcher at Surt and coordinator of the TransVisible project.

Why it is key to address the subject of the labour market and employment opportunities for trans women, as well as reflections on strategies for the empowerment of trans women in labour integration processes, liaising with companies and tools to raise the awareness of human resources staff, are the contents developed in this new guide.

This resource presents proposals to ensure inclusive workplaces and also includes a selection of good practices to improve the employment situation of trans women.

A key tool to tackle transphobia in the labour market

The TransVisible guide seeks to promote resources to improve the inclusion of trans women into the labour market and proposes strategies and actions to address different factors involved in this process: the empowerment of trans women, the transformation of companies’ vision and the training of professionals in the field of labour market inclusion.

“These are professionals who can promote that commitment is accompanied by a change of approach and measures to adapt to the specific needs of trans women, which also means helping to raise awareness and acknowledge the benefits it has for a company to count on the worth and potential that trans women can bring” explains Elvira.

The guide developed within the framework of this European initiative is committed to the transpositive visibility, that is, to recover and make visible the reality of trans women in order to highlight their gender identity, which, according to the guide, “can be considered enriching and an added value in certain recruitment and selection processes”.

The TransVisibles project, funded by the European Union’s under the Erasmus+ programme, aims to enhance the economic empowerment of trans women, as well as improve their opportunities for access and permanence in the formal labour market.

Along with Surt, the research group on Gender and Sexual Diversity of the University of Vic  (Spain), Transgender Equality Network Ireland – TENI (Ireland), Háttér Society (Hungary), and Bundesverband Trans * – BVT*  (Germany) are participating in the project.

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