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Caprabo’s #CèntimsSolidaris campaign is destinated to INTRO program until April 3rd

Caprabo’s #CèntimsSolidaris campaign is destinated to INTRO program until April 3rd

Fundació Surt and Caprabo are collaborating on Cèntims solidaris (Solidarity cents) campaign. Until April 3, 2024, the collection of solidarity micro-donations from supermarket customers will go to Surt’s INTRO program, which accompanies women survivors of sexist violence towards their comprehensive recovery.

With Caprabo’s #CèntimsSolidaris program, people who shop at the chain’s establishments can add a few cents to their ticket and support the personal, economic, socio-political and community empowerment of women who are rebuilding their autonomy. From regular meetings, the participants have individual and group support at the Surt Foundation and promote care and sisterhood among female partners.

For Sira Vilardell, director of Surt, “initiatives such as the micro-donation program are essential to strengthen and guarantee effective support for victims of gender-based violence and contribute to making visible, not only the work of our organization, but the real needs of the surviving women, both at the end of the violence and in the comprehensive recovery of its impacts in the medium and long term”.

Cristina Madrilley, from Caprabo’s RSC, points out that “Caprabo’s micro donation program is a consolidated aid initiative focused on bringing clients closer to social causes that represent real challenges”.

INTRO, creating support networks to rebuild lives

INTRO program accompanies more than a hundred female survivors of sexist violence – diverse women, of all ages, origins and life paths – in their process towards emotional and relational well-being. It offers a safe meeting space for groups of women, providing information and specialized support on gender issues, job placement and housing search. All in all, encouraging the creation of new networks of women who support each other who can build new affective relationships and move towards comprehensive and sustainable personal and economic autonomy over time.

Recently, INTRO participants have artistically co-created an exhibition of photographs “Together around the table”, which could be visited in the lobby of Espai Francesca Bonnemaison in Barcelona until February 29. It is an example of the activities that place them at the center as active and resilient protagonists in their lives.

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