Research, innovation and incidence

Research, innovation and incidence work is aimed to analyze social reality from a feminist perspective, developing innovative methodologies for social intervention and formulating political recommendations.
It is oriented towards action, in order to contribute to generate transformations in the political and social scene. From a critical point of view, we try to make visible the invisible and give value to the devalued, in order to show gender iniquities and to influence politically and socially for the effective exercise of women’s rights.
We pay special attention to the intersections of genre with other iniquities, such as class, ethnicity, origin, age or sexual diversity.
We coordinate and participate in international and European projects, and we also address the social reality in Catalonia.
Investigation fields
This investigation line develops research-action projects to prevent and address gender based violences. We pay special attention to the intersection of gender with other variables of inequality in the realities of specific collectives, such as migrated, gipsy and girls under public tutelage.
Last projects:
FM-OUT. Finding ways out to forced marriages: prevention, protection and support tools for practitioners across Europe
Project of research and formation for professionals in prevention and attention in matter of forced marriages
Territorial field: Catalonia, Germany, Greece and Belgium.
Duration: 2020-2022
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Project of prevention and approach against sexual harassment at work, with activities of research and formation for human resources professionals.
Territorial field:
Duration: 2020-2022
Project based on exchanging good practices in the intervention with women of vulnerable groups, with activities of formation for professionals and workshops oriented to women and aimed to improve their economic empowerment, their ability to identify male chauvinistic violences and to develop assertiveness.
Territorial field:
Duration: 2019-2022
We Go! 2 Building Economic Independence: the way out of Intimate Partner Violence
Project that deepens the work started with the first experience of We Go!, a European initiative oriented to promote economic empowerment in women who suffer gender based violence in the couple. Strengthen networks of collaboration and cooperation with private and public sectors, as well as exchange good practises identified in Europe, is the strategy for get this goal.
Territorial field: Italy, Greece, Bulgaria and Spanish State
Duration: 2018-2020
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Diagnosis on the needs and the challenges for approaching interseccional of gender based violences
Research on the barriers and the elements facilitadors existent in the services of male chauvinistic violences for the incorporation d?A feminist prospect interseccional, in order to promote l?Access cash of all the women and people LGTBI.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2020.
Funding: Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families, with bottom provinents of the Pact of State against the Violence of Gender
Diagnostic of needs and challenges for the boarding interseccional of the male chauvinistic violences.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2019-2020
Funding: Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families
Let’s sound the change!
Tools of innovative intervention to educating for the promotion of the equality and the prevention of gender based violences, through formative actions for teenagers to identify and question the stereotypes and rols of gender, as a strategy for the prevention of gender based violences.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2020
Funding: Statal Pact against Gender Based Violence
Play it for change
European project addressed to empower boys and girls to prevent gender based violence through music and audiovisual. Both generate big impact in the processes of socialisation and of building their identities during adolescence.
Territorial field: Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia and Catalonia
Duration: 2018-2020.
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Alternative Future
Formative project that, from a children rights perspective and a gender perspective, aims to qualify professional of minors residential centres, in order that they can answer better the needs of girls and boys victims, and accompany them in the recovery of possible situations of violence lived, as well as to project a future free of violences.
Territorial field: Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Scotland, Italy and Catalonia
Duration: 2015-2017.
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
We Go. Women Economic-independence & Growth Opportunity
The project aims to promote economic empowerment and is addressed to women in situations of gender based violence in the couple. It includes the exchange of good practices, the development of a methodology and actions for political incidence.
Territorial field: Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Sweden, Cyprus and Spanish State
Duration: 2016-2018
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Building a safety net for migrant and refugee women
Project to improve the prevention and to address gender based violences against migrant and refugee women. Includes actions of research, formation to professionals, promotion of the networking, legal advice and accompaniment in empowerment processes.
Territorial field: Greece, Italy, Germany and Catalonia
Duration: 2016-2018
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Empowering Roma Communities to prevent gender-based violence
Project oriented to sensitise, form and empoderar gipsy professional women in order to become active agents in fomenting gender equality and to prevent gender based violence in their communities.
Territorial field: metropolitan Area of Barcelona
Duration: 2016-2017
Funding: Open Society Foundations
Line that attends human trafficking for exploitation as a specific shape of gender based violence in community field. It includes projects focused on trafficking for sexual and labour exploitation.
Last projects:
HEAL. enHancingrEcovery and integrAtion through networking, empLoyment training and psychological support for women victims of trafficking
Project focused on facilitating the recovery of women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, through developing abilities related to the labour market, psychological support and connecting key actors to get this goal: companies and services oriented toward human trafficking survivors.
Territorial field: Italy, Romania, Greece and Spanish State
Duration: 2020-2022
Funding: Found for Asylum, Migrations and Integration of the European Union
LIBES. Life Beyond the Shelter
Project focused on improving the accompaniment offered to human trafficking survivors, once they start processes of autonomy to independent life.
Territorial field: Italy, Germany, Belgium and Catalonia
Duration: 2020-2022
Funding: Found for Asylum, Migrations and Integration of the European Union
Project aimed at integral empowerment for women who have lived human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The project includes mentoring between equals
Territorial field: Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium and Catalonia
Duration: 2019-2020
Funding: Found for Asylum, Migrations and Integration of the European Union
GIRL. Gender Interventions for the Rights and Liberties of Women and Girls victims of trafficking for sexual explotation
Project aimed at delving into the knowledge and sensitise on the phenomenon of the trafficking for sexual exploitation of Romanian women. The project is also oriented to promote the introduction of gender perspective into the services oriented toward victims.
Territorial field: Romania, Italy and Spanish State
Duration: 2014-2016
Funding: Program of Prevention and Fight against the crime of the European Commission
Stop traffic for domestic work
Project of research aimed at obtaining information and data on the trafficking of women for labour exploitation in the domestic service. From the research, elaborated political recommendations and carry out activities of sensitisation and prevention headed to public and private actors.
Territorial field: Greece, Cyprus, Lithuania and Spanish State
Duration: 2013-2015
Funding: Program of Prevention and Fight against the crime of the European Commission
Line focused on delving into specific inequalities of migrated, refugees and gipsy women, and also on developing methodologies for empowerment, in order to make effective their rights.
Last projects:
Enable, Empower, EngageThird Country National Women to enhance professional opportunities
Project aimed at migrated women empowerment. It includes formation, mentoring and actions for promoting the certification of abilities.
Territorial field:
Move on. Migration & Gender: Vocational and Educational counselling
Project focused on exchanging good practices and formation in matter of labour orientation for migrated people, from a gender and intercultural perspective.
Territorial field: United Kingdom, Germany, Greece, Italy and Poland and Catalonia
Duration: 2015-2017
Funding: Program Erasmus+
Projecte Parti GE.MI
This project looks for enriching citizen participation, from a gender and intercultural perspective. It aims to promote roads of participation for all in equality. The main activities of the project were a research on the experiences, obstacles and strategies of participation that migrated people live, as well as actions for empowering them in order to promote pariticipation, thorough formation and mentoring in unions, parents associations, women organitzations and political parties.
Territorial field: Greece, Italy, Germany and Catalonia
Duration: 2013-2015
Funding: European Integration Found
Line focused on studying gender inequalities in labour market and on developing innovative methodologies for economic empowerment, as well as on promoting gender equity in paid work and in cares.
Last projects:
Study of economic crisis impact caused by the pandemia of the Covid-19 on women
From the perceptions of professional d?Entities of the third sector and of the own women, l?Study collect the limitations in l?Access to the labour market and to the formation, the ruin of the labour conditions, the barriers in l?Access to the social benefits, the reorganisation of the cares and the social innovation of the third sector in situation d?Emergency , between d?Other aspects, of those that have d?Obtain learnings of expensive to the uncertainty of the next decades.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2020
Funding: Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generality of Catalonia
Women’s economic empowerment in Bosnia and Hercegovina through catalan experiences
Project oriented to prmoting the economic empowerment of women from Sarajevo, as a tool for impulsing gender equity and for reducing gender based violences. The project will transfer methodologies of economic empowerment, developed in catalan experiencies, in order to support labour insertion and entreprenorship among women in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Territorial field: Bosnia Hercegovina and Catalonia
Duration: 2017-2018.
Funding: Catalan Agency of Cooperation for the Development
Equinova: Practical tools for an effective implementation of gender equality measures in companies
Project that pretends to deepen in the knowledge of barriers that condition the effective implementation of gender equality plans and measures in companies and organisations. Includes the development of innovative tools and meetings for networking and exchanging experiences.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2017
Funding: Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generality of Catalonia
This investigation field is focused on how poverty affects women and on how gender inequalities impacts on social exclusion processes.
Last projects:
Social exclusion and gender in municipality
Collaboration in the “Social exclusion and gender in municipality”, with the chapter “Exclusion, gender and interseccionality: empowerment as a strategy of fighting against poverty among women”
Territorial field: Barcelona
Duration: 2016
Funding: Institute of Political and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Line that deepens in the intersection between gender and sexual and gender diversity as factors of inequality, in order to develop innovative feminist methodologies for LGTBI people empowerment.
Last projects:
The project proposes promoting inclusive work places for trans, intersexuals and no-binary people. It includes formative sessions and empowerment actions for trans, intersexual and no-binary people, as well as sensitisation actions, and diffusion of the research results.
Territorial field: Hungary, The Netherlands, Croatia, Italy and Catalonia
Duration: 2021-2022
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
TransVisibles has developed practical materials for professionals to favour economic empowerment of trans women. It is oriented to improve their oportunities of access and permanence in formal labour market. Trans women is a group that faces obstacles to get into formal labour market, especially, if they are visibly trans, so usually they only find a subsistence option in sexual work.
Territorial field: Catalonia, Ireland, Germany and Hungary
Duration: 2018-2020.
Funding: program Erasmus +
Open Doors
The project aims to reduce the discrimination against LGTBI people in health services and to promote an inclusive health attention. It includes training for professionals and the publication of several materials addressed to professionals of health services too.
Territorial field: Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland and Catalonia
Duration: 2019-2021
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Look wide
Project oriented to expand the way of looking oat gender based violences, and to interrogate on the intersections between gender and sexual diversity in the violences against LGTBI people. The project includes training actions for professionals and the creation of materials, directed to promote the integration of gender view and sexual diversity view in the services against gender based violences and in the antidiscrimination services too. The project tries to contribute to buit programs of specific support to people LGTBI in situacions of gender based violences.
Territorial field: Germany, Italy, Greece, Hungary and Catalonia
Duration: 2017-2019
Funding: Program of Right, Equality and Citizenship of the European Commission
Previous highlighted experiences
Proposal of new indicators to measure the effects of gender based violence in couple, taking into account the impacts on several dimensions of the life of the women: emotional conditions, health, labour, economic, relations , house and legal.
Territorial field: Finland, Estonia, Italy and Catalonia
Duration: 2007-2009
Funding: Program Daphne of the European Commission
Innovative methodology for the identification, the recognition and the development of the competitions of the women migrated, as a fundamental part of the processes d?empoderament Economic.
Territorial field: Austria, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Catalonia
Duration: 2011-2013
Funding: Program Grundtvig of the European Commission
Several researches realised to know and make visible the impact of the economic crisis on the women:
In 2010, the research ‘Women in crisis’ already it put of self-evident some impacts of the economic crisis on the women in Metropolitan area of Barcelona in the period in that began to affect the employment and the life quotidiana.
In 2011, the impact of the crisis on the women migrated was studied in “Practical tools addressed to the local devices in order to design political equality of gender to give answer to the impacts of the economic crisis on the women immigrated”
In 2014, we analysed the impact of the economic crisis initiated to the 2008 on the labour situation, social and personal of the women.
Territorial field: Catalonia
Duration: 2011-2013
Funding: Catalan Institute of the Women, Deputation of Barcelona and City council of Barcelona
You can consult more works and publications from the research line in the ‘Resources’ section