Fundació Intermedia is an initiative co-promoted by Fundació Surt, the IRES Foundation and Suara Cooperativa, based on the values of personal development, social responsibility, gender equity and innovation.
Intermediate, approved as a placement agency, serves people, especially in situations of high social and labor vulnerability and acts to improve their employment and employability, that is, increase their chances of finding a job , at the same time as a tool for personal development.
he actions of advice, guidance, training and development of professional trajectories offered by Intermedia are done in close collaboration with companies and the socio-economic fabric.
It is a cultural project promoted by the Consortium of the Royal Shipyards and the Maritime Museum of Barcelona that involves different social and cultural agents of Raval district. The cooperative is 50% owned by Surt.
We manage it jointly with Impulsem SCCL. During the last year, it has expanded its activity as an insertion company and has carried out several cultural and gastronomic projects. One of its main activities is the management of the restaurant at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona.
ProHabitatge is an association that works to prevent and eradicate residential exclusion and homelessness in Catalonia, from a perspective of Human Rights and gender. The entity manages different public housing programs and has its own residential programs.
Comissió d’Acció Comunitària del Consell Municipal de Benestar Social de Barcelona
Comissió de Ciutadania del Pla de Desenvolupament Comunitari del Besòs
Comissió Tècnica del Grup de Treball per a l’abordatge de situacions de prostitució, en especial de les de tràfic d’éssers humans amb la finalitat d’explotació sexual
Consell Municipal de Benestar Social
Consell Municipal d’Immigració de Barcelona
Consell Nacional de Dones de Catalunya
Pla d’interculturalitat de Barcelona
Taula tècnica de l’agència ABITS
Xarxa d’Economia Solidària de Barcelona
Xarxa d’Entitats d’Acollida de Barcelona
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