Economic empowerment

Favour the economic improvement and the autonomy of the women is a central aim of our activity. Since the area of empoderament economic, it fomentem through projects of programs of insertion, employment and emprenedoria, as well as also with itineraris and programs of fight against the poverty and the precarietat.
Also, we drive the economic autonomy of the women through the development of the vital and professional project, the formation for the improvement of the professional profile and the support and accompaniment to open paths to the insertion in the market of work, for extraneous account or for own account. We offer assessorament individualised expert to women that pose create initiatives d?emprenedoria Social, autonomous or mercantile.
The processes of empowerment starred in by each woman, are untransferable and attend the diverse vital spheres of the person (the formative, the labour, the personal). The participants to the projects do a work of recovery theSkills and competitions kept in the time, so that they can go building a plan on a long-term basis that it give answer to his labour aim.
Obrint Portes (Itinerari of support to the insertion, economic support, flats received, orientation help, assessorament legal…)
Is a program d?Social attention and empoderament for women in situation of emergent poverty, that have lost the networks of support and, therefore, live in risk of exclusion. L?empoderament ?Personal and economic? It is the central axis of the program, with the main aim to accompany the women to obtain tools to live with the maximum autonomy and improve, like this, his living quality.
With the funding of: Ministerio of Hacienda y Función Public, Department of Work, Social Affairs and Families of the Generality of Catalonia and City council of Barcelona.
MAIS (Active Measures of Insertion)
Program addressed to people perceptores of the renda guaranteeed of citizenship (RGC), with special attention to the women, those in situation of male chauvinistic violence and those that have familiar responsibilities. The aim is to design with the people participants an individual plan d?Insertion that improve l?ocupabilitat And l?I approach to the labour market. In the MAIS, work different thematic modules (such as labour context, market of work and employments, channels and tools of research of work, formation in transversal competitions and formation in new technologies), in order to provide to the person tools and strategies. Likewise, potencien the itineraris of practical in companies and the processes of research of work in order that the people can have real opportunities d?Go in to the labour market.
Project funded by the Department of Company and Work and cofunded by European Social Found. The FSE invests to your future.
SADI Itineraris of accompaniment to migrated women
The program looks for that the women identify the backpack learnings with which count, put in value this capital, know the society d?Received and the market of work and, like this, purchase a better positioning to access . SADI offers integral support to the women, des d?Social attention to assessorament juridical.
Cofunded by Department of Social Rights of the Generality of Catalonia and City council of Barcelona
Rroma women Itineraris d’Acompanyament a dones gitanes (Itinerari Consorci de la Mina)
ROADS Itinerari de formació i inserció per a dones joves
ROADS is a projecte oriented to open diverse and flexible paths that help to young women to surpass obstacles and to access to the labour market in conditions of no discrimination. The empoderament is the transversal axis of the program that can fonamentar and consolidate the process of change and improvement of l?ocupabilitat. The performances that will carry out head to to open different paths for l?ocupabilitat And the professional and personal improvement and are structured in four big paths, in which concretise and systematise the aims of the program: actions d?Orientation, actions of professional and complementary formation, transversal actions of coaching personal and occupational, actions of prospecció and intermediació labour.
This program is focused on work orientation and insertion for women (cis and trans) that exert or have exerted sexual work. The aim is ofeering the possibility to develop their own professional and personal competences and, therefore, improve their ocupability, by means of the personal, vital and professional project. The last goal is guarantee their right to access to work market out of the TS, if like this wish it or contribute empowerment strategies for those that want to continue with the sexual work. The program offers a skilled attention and very adjusted to the personal and professional situation of each woman, fact that comports the work of multiple dimensions looking for the resources and services that allow to have options to improve his personal competitions and/or technical.

Point of Energetic Advising
Points of Energetic Advising (PAE) are a municipal service for all the citizenship, focused on improving the energetic efficiency at home, as well as prevent and act in situations of energetic poverty. It treats d?A free service, opened to everybody that pretends to guarantee the energetic rights in front of the companies and sensitise the citizenship through workshops grupals. The Foundation Go out, gestionem the service jointly with other entities of the third sector, and we assume them in two areas, Eixample and Ciutat Vella.
The different projects that develop in d?This line have as a frame l?Feminist economy, understand l?Economy as a means to the personal developmental service and comunitari. Des d?This conceptual frame address the shapes in that s?Organise the work putting the focus in the coresponsabilitat social and the (harm) sexual division of the works of cares.
Since accompaniment to the women that want to put into motion his own projects already was like autonomous or how cooperativistes. We work to strengthen l?Social economy, solidària and of the cares potenciant l?Impulse experiences and instruments that generate economic alternatives transformadores and that fomenten a sustainable development, just and participatory. Like this, we offer tools for the emprenedoria, the visibilització of the works of cares and his socialisation, and for the diffusion and consolidation of l?Social economy and solidària, work cabbage.laboratiu, network d?emprenedores….
Integral program of support to the people in risk d?Exclusion that want to undertake. The project poses how a centre of resources of integral character, that sensitises, informs, orients, shape and adviser to people emprenedores and that at the same time drives new business initiatives to generate economic activity, in accordance with the political of the District, taking advantage of of the strengths endògenes of the territory, of the needs of the own projects assessorats and of the network of contacts with other emprenedors, projects and entities of the territory. Also we accompany in l?obtenció Of microcrèdits to undertake, in collaboration with Microbank.
Integral program of support to entrepreneurship
Through the program Catalonia undertakes, in parternariat with Drive SCCL., we carry out actions of support, orientation and assessorament for people that want to undertake, as a alternative to survive to the market of work and road of empoderament economic for the women. The project poses how a centre of resources of integral character, that sensitises, informs, orients, shape and adviser to people emprenedores and that at the same time drives new business initiatives to generate economic activity, in accordance with the political of the District, taking advantage of of the strengths endògenes of the territory, of the needs of the own projects assessorats and of the network of contacts with other emprenedors, projects and entities of the territory.
The service of Information in socioeconomic innovation will be the first door d?Entry to the world of the Socioeconomic Innovation and l?Social economy and Solidaria for people and organisations that desconeixen this field or that want to deepen, since the knowledge of the resources, since the formation, since the interrelation with other entities or since l?Access to programs to favour the emprenedoria. But also it will be a space d?Experimentation, of permeability of the different experiences of the entities of the ESS and of interconnection, of cabbage?laboració Between entities and of growth d?This productive sector. This space conceive also how l?Shop window of the socioeconomic innovation des d?Where offer a basic or skilled information to people and entities of all the existent resources to the city
Entrepreneur directory
Directory that collect the business initiatives of women emprenedores participants of the programs of accompaniment that offer to Go out. Split of the Service for Emprenedores Novel (SEN) for the creation d?A network in which the women emprenedores can feel identified, certain and accompanied on the way as solitary d?Undertake an own business, and want to that it grow to follow giving visibility to l?emprenedoria Feminine and favour the creation of network.
¿Would you like joining the network of entrepreneur women? Contact to us:
FES! Feminism, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability is a destined initiative to favour the sustainability of the projects emprenedors led by women. It offers them accompaniment to través d?An itinerari that will allow to validate the model of business in the current reality of crisis potenciada for the Covid-19, purchase tools for a management eficient through the digitalisation, and sensitise in Social Economy and Solidària for such d?Incorporate the social and environmental impacts to the projects emprenedors of the women.
It proposes accompany women to open labour opportunities in the sector of the repair and maintenance of bicycles. L?itinerari Offers a labour exit as a mechanical of bicycles, a professional sector traditionally masculinitzat, but in which the women have aptitudes to develop-s?. The project is formed by sessions d?empoderament Personal and to define the own project, formation tècnico-professional and capsules of transition to l?ocupabilitat In the sector.
Surt offers occupational formation of the Service of Employment of Catalonia headed to people on the dole in different specialisations: mediació, dinamització comunitària, administrative auxiliary-administrative, English and attention to the public. There are two lines: dinamització comunitària and mediació comunitària.
Formation to professional and to people emprenedores in ESS
Formation to people emprenedores in equality and prospect of gender
Formative actions addressed to people emprenedores of l?School of Professional Women, Managerial and Emprenedores of Active Barcelona and to suppliers of the programs of formation. These formative actions answer to three typologies d?Performance, that is to say, the workshop, the module and the capsule. All l?Formative offer tour around the prospect of gender, all giving answer to the need to comprise and grasp this critical approach in his globalitat at the same time that motivate to the people to apply it so much in his business projects and in the development of his profession.
Modules in entrepreneurship and gender for undertaken suppliers.
In this workshop promocionem the reflection in key of gender of the fact d?Undertake. Facilitate the tools for garant the equality d?Opportunities in the services of l?School.
Modules emprenedoria and gender for people emprenedores
In this workshop promocionem the reflection in key of gender of the fact d?Undertake and facilitate the tools for garant the equality d?Opportunities.
Capsule competitions emprenedores and gender
Identify and work the competitions emprenedores that can help us to attain l?Success and minimitzar the risk of failure and will recover those own of l?Field deprived to transfer them to the market of work.
Capsule leadership transformer
We speak on l?Application d?A model of management of people based in optimising each one of the talents of l?Human team that composes l?Team, potenciant the capacities and transmit motivation as a person leader.
Capsule governança democratic and gender
This capsule centres in reflexionar and give tools on like implementing democratic principles in the management of the human capital d?An organisation.
Capsule intercooperació and gender
Sensitisation on the historical reality of the networks of cooperation and the experiences that vinculen to the promotion of the equality of gender and offer a mapeig of resources of l?ESS
Highlighted experiences
The Mujeres con project proposes an intervention methodology with a gender focus to inform, train, advise and accompany women who wish to start a business. The group creates a space from which to recover talents, analyze their business ideas, learn the necessary skills in business management and define, experience and start business activity.
Project intended to support the initiatives of female entrepreneurs in the creation or maintenance of the workplace or small business and in the search for financing, through microcredits.
Project with a methodology based on the Surt skills model, focused on the development of the entrepreneurial capacities of women in processes in which they are protagonists.
El Raval té Cura project wants to contribute to making visible economic alternatives in which care, the work of sustaining and reproducing life, is recognized socially and economically and placed at the center. Caregiving work contributes to the sustenance of life, but compared to socially recognized productive and salaried work, it does not receive economic, personal or social recognition. Placing life at the center allows us to look at reality with care in the home, care in the neighborhood and our own care in mind. This project is developed in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona.
The Singular Territories de cura project was born from the need to articulate strategies that respond to the capital-life conflict. We live in a society in which productive work that involves monetary income holds social recognition while, in contrast, care work associated with the home environment and undertaken mostly by women is not valued economically or socially with the consequent implications in the autonomy of women that this entails. At the same time, as a result of various demographic changes such as the aging of the population and longer working hours, the need for care services for people in decent working conditions that value this key work for the sustenance of life and society. This project extends to different territories of Catalonia (Osona, Bages, Baix Camp, Baix Llobregat, Tarragonés...)
The program promotes cooperative, social and solidarity entrepreneurship driven by women. To achieve this, it accompanies them in the process of creating the company, through training, personalized advice, ideas and resources to give them a boost in the first phase of entrepreneurship.
Construïm en feminine les Altres Economies also offers the opportunity to share experience with a group of female entrepreneurs with whom to build knowledge and a network of mutual support.