The gender perspective is directly connected to a rights perspective, oriented to promote and defend Human Rights, emphasising women’s rights. It situates individual and collective rights as the frame of reference and its protection and guarantee as bases and tools for policies and social action.
Our action is based on three perspectives, which are articulated between them and pierced by gender, in order to achieve that each woman, in the centre of all action, as a subject of her own process, gets empowerment.
Gender perspective
It is transversal in Surt and guides our action. Incorporating the knowledge that results from feminist social research and women perspective in the design and implementation of Surt’s activity allows us to identify inequalities that affect women’s social, economical and laboral participation.
We focus on women’s needs and experiences as well as in distinguisable impacts of policies and programmes, from a feminist perspective.
Constructivist view
It orients all our socioeducative activity, that is as an acquisition of capacities from each person experiences. We understand that learning consists, fundamentally, on building meanings and attribute sense to what is learnt from personal experience and from knowledges, feelings and values. With them, each person aproximates to the contents and activities that has to get and work. This way a significant knowledge is built.

Development of competences model
We focuse on developing the capacities and necessary personal resources to strengthen the work insertion process. It consists on improving her self-learning capacity and on transfering their own competences, developed in a multiplicity of life fields, to work context.
To study, comprise and answer to the shapes in which the gender s?entrecreua With other identities and how these creuaments contribute to only experiences d?opressió And privilege, adopt the interseccionalitat as a analytical tool.
The racism, the patriarchy, l?opressió Of class and other systems of discrimination create inequalities that structure the relative positions of the women. However, the individual situation d?A woman can not comprise only like a sum of the diverse axes of inequality, but like the specific concretion of the diverse axes combined in a historical context, social and determinate politician and the demonstration in his personal biography.

The methodologies headed to develop the competitions are tightly vinculades to the prospect of gender in the practical of l?Entity, since they facilitate to give value to the learnings realised by the women in fields no formal, that have to see, basically, with the responsibilities of care of the people and with l?Organisation d?This space. Like this, it does visible the social value of the work of the women in l?Field reproductiu and s?Invest the dynamic of desvalorització present systematics in l?Imaginary and the practical socially dominant. By means of the methodology of competitions, these learnings do visible and, especially, purchase value as a capacities ?Competitions- significant in l?Labour field.
Since the model of competitions that propose, the professional competition is the result to combine and mobilitzar of specific way the personal resources, the own competitions (capacities, skills, destreses, knowledges…), a heritage that each organises and articulates of particular way and that, applied to a labour context, becomes professional competition.
Intercultural perspective
We act since the reciprocal recognition of the cultural differences that find in the social relations. When we speak of prospect or intercultural competition, refer us to the knowledges, skills and attitudes that require to work in contexts of multiculturalitat significant that ask to understand, comprise and give suitable answers, so much of professional character and interpersonal and affective, to people culturalment different to us.
The diversity is inherent to the rights of the people and incorporate it as a value is determinant to attain the convivència in equity.
From this perspective, the relations of gender are also intercultural relations, in so much than structural relations and estructurants d?Identities. This supposes to incorporate to the professional intervention of Go out l?Existence of significant differences in the identity of the women and in his realities socioculturals. A diversity that requires of specific recognition, d?Cultural approach, of dialogue and of mediació that facilitate to find common spaces that do not involve the renunciation to be who are and to the own values.

To the core of the axes that fonamenten the action of Go out, there is the strategy of empoderament. L?empoderament Is l?Transversal axis that articulates our fields d?Action at the same time that the philosophy that n?Impregnate the methodologies of work.
Empowerment strategy
It is a holistic model that facilitates an integral vision of the personal and professional dynamics. It is structured in four “moments”:
- It starts in a vital exploration of the past and the present, to work expectations, motivations, values and beliefs, rols and patterns.
- It explores the surroundings to identify the key elements of the context, the obstacles and the opportunities, so much in relation to the vital context as a the social context. Analyse the diverse vital spheres of the person and identifies como situates in front of each one, the degree of satisfaction and the aims of change that proposes .
- It recovers resources, to split d?Identify capacities and personal competitions extracted of the own vital experiences and professional, to put them in value and build, like this, a realistic own image and positive.
- It defines the own vital project and professional as a strategy of projection, experimentation and prisoner of decisions, in the present and any the future, from the capacities and competitions recovered and purchased in the process.
This way, a dynamic cycle of systematic feedback is completed, and that facilitates the building of capacities and competences, in a process in which women are active agents of their own future.